Heating and Plumbing Contractor


Aspect were outstanding large sums of monies from an important Main Contractor Client, across 7 different schemes. They had previously believed they had reached differing settlements themselves, having to concede large sums, but even then the agreements were reneged upon.


TAL assessed the contractual status and entitlement across all 7 different contracts and any potential set off issues. A comprehensive case was then formulated for us to understand which established a robust contractual entitlement, whilst illustrating the strengths and weaknesses of the case and a clear strategy which should be adopted.

TAL presented the case in an internal briefing, in a simple easy to understand manner as it is vital that the Client has a full grasp of each position. Once the case and strategy was understood, and agreed, TAL wrote to the Client explaining our appointment and setting out the clear contractual position, entitlement and shortcomings of the Clients administration of the Payment Notices.


This was a difficult set of circumstances and a complicated matrix of factors, however, after a tenacious negotiation TAL were able to secure a settlement across all 7 Projects that exceeded our original expectations. A Settlement Document was drafted and executed which also included a robust mechanism to deal with the final retention moiety, which was also successfully collated 6 months later.

The sign of a good resolution is when the outstanding monies are secured, the retention monies are also paid, but the Client wanting to offer further additional schemes due to the professionalism that was adopted across a difficult negotiation.


Roofing Contractor


We had for a number of years enjoyed year on year growth. This resulted in the existing management resource becoming slightly stretched. Our Managing Director, engaged Paul Turner to undertake a full structural review of the operating methods of the business, seeking efficiencies and improvements.


Paul spent time working with our MD and the Senior Management Team assessing the current adopted processes and procedures. A thorough review of every aspect of the business was undertaken from fundamentals such as operating markets, corporate structure, commercial controls and resultant margin generation.


A comprehensive report was presented to the Board of Directors. The report identified fully costed improvements for consideration and implementation. The report did not only make suggestions it also provided full working procedures to be implemented after consideration. The content of which is obviously confidential, but suffice to say that after adopting the recommendations there was a substantial increase in turnover and the resultant margin, with The Board confirming improvements in control and efficiencies.